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Do you ever feel you are not taken seriously by professionals

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

How many times have you went to a medical professional and feel you are not taken seriously? I feel your pain. I fell several years ago and hurt my lower back each time I tried to get help for it I was given muscle relaxers or told to go to physical therapy. If you have ever had chronic pain, you know from the time you get out of bed until you go back to bed you live with pain. As we age the pain increases and arthritis sits in making things worse. I went to a pain clinic had the cortisone shots that did not give me relief only to be told there is nothing else to do for you. Really? Nothing? In the 21st century there is nothing else you can do for me? I left feeling extremely upset and continue with the pain.

I once had a stabbing pain going through my right breast, I asked my gynecologist if he had any idea why I would get stabbing pain for no reason. He put me off, I talked to my NP who diagnosed me with pain of unknown origin she sent me to a breast specialist who lectured me on drug seeking. I by no means am a drug seeker. I was so upset I walked out of the examination room. He was a younger doctor who had a student in with him making me feel less than while he behaved like a pompous ass. I could not find validation for the physical pain I was feeling. As I worked through my education, I have learned ways to help cope with the pain, but I wonder about people who don’t have the education or the resources to learn pain management coping skills.

Many of us have felt vulnerable throughout life rather it was caused by incidents during our childhood, adolescent years, or young adulthood. When we visit a professional, we are at our most vulnerable rather it is a medical doctor or a mental health therapist. If a person has an inferiority complex and they go to a professional who lacks the skills to listen, they leave feeling worse. Listening is something that should be taught from birth to death. We miss communication because we are always waiting to give our thoughts. Allow yourself to be assertive, not aggressive there is a difference. Let the professional know I don’t think you are listening to me; I understand you are busy, but I need you to be present with me at this time. A few words can go along ways. I did not do it in my past, but I have learned how to do it now. I teach people how to become more assertive and watch their confidence grow. It is an unbelievable feeling when you don’t feel like you stand in the shadow of others.

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